Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych: Student Paper Contest 2014

21.11.2013 Ogólna

One of the leading think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe, the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) announces a Call for Papers for its journal The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs. This Student Paper Contest provides an opportunity for students to compete and achieve recognition for their research.

The paper judged best in a review process by the Journal's editorial board will be published and promoted accordingly, and the author offered an internship at PISM. Applicants should be postgraduate (MA) and PhD students.

Terms of competition

- We particularly welcome submissions on all topics associated with, but not limited to: European Union, International Security, Eastern and South-Eastern   Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control.

- Papers should be written in English, be no longer than 1.500 words (including references and footnotes which should be kept to a minimum). Use 12 pt font and line spacing of 1.5.
- Adhere to the PQIA style guide to be found at http://www.pism.pl/publications/journals/The_Polish_Quarterly_of_International_Affairs
- Sample of article is available online.
- Papers should be original and not have been published elsewhere.
- Papers must be authored by graduate (MA) or PhD-students only.
- Co-authored papers are more than welcome.
- Submissions should be accompanied by a Paper Coversheet.
- Submissions must comprise three different electronic PDFs. The first PDF should include the Paper Coversheet, with the research text starting on the second page. Apart from the Coversheet, there should be no mention of the author's name and no indication of the author´s identity. The second PDF  should be identical with the first PDF but exclude the Coversheet. The third PDF should be a curriculum vitae (C.V.).

-  To be eligible for the Student Paper Contest, the two versions of the paper must be sent electronically in PDF format to wyrwich@pism.pl as well as to pqia@pism.pl no later than March 30, 2014.

- Papers will be reviewed anonymously by a judging panel on the basis of the second (anonymous) PDF. The evaluation will be carried by the following criteria:
- The degree to which the paper addresses issues that are significant to the investigated research field.
- The extent to which the paper shows consideration of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature.
- The extent to which the paper makes an original conceptual or empirical contribution.

- The winning paper will be published in the journal The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs. Furthermore the author will be offered a visiting fellowship at PISM. The second winning paper will be published in the journal The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs and receive a subscription of the journal for a year at a discount. The third winning paper will be published in the journal The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs.


Angelika Wyrwich, Email: wyrwich@pism.pl

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